RenderStacks 1.06 released

Super Renders Farm
3 min readSep 22, 2020


So, what’s renderStacks? It is a render pass/generic task manager for 3dsMax. If you have used RPManager, LPass Manager, Prism, StateSet, Scene State. It is something like that. But, it is aiming to be a lot smarter, faster and more stable.

In a nutshell, renderStacks allow you to define a sequence of tasks to be executed per pass, and you can have unlimited passes per scene. For example, you can tell renderStacks to “set viewport to Camera001 and resolution to 1920×1080 and assign output path to “Z:\project\awesome\…\v001\awesome_bty.exr” and set frame range to 100 to 300” and apply Red Plastic material for Teapots.” for a pass called “Bty”.

renderStacks will eliminate many common scene management duties from artists. Just configure passes once and concentrate on making art! How much render node time has been wasted because of a simple mistake? renderStacks will help to prevent many of the potential human errors. Even better, you can do all this with an artist firendly UI without coding a single line of script.

The developers of renderStacks have worked hands on with many other render pass solutions for 3dsMax and have studied videos of unreleased solutions like Hierarchical Render Pass Manager for 3dsmax. We have even checked other DCCs solutions like Modo’s render pass system and Maya’s Render Setup and Render Layer. renderStacks is the result of years of production experience as artists and is our attempt to combine the best features of other solutions. We like to think of renderStacks as the Uber render pass manager!

Current pmodifier list

  • Alignment — Per object parent and transform align
  • AnimationRange — Animation start and end frame
  • Atmospherics — Per atmospherics on/off
  • BackBurner — BackBurner submission
  • Camera — Camera, Aperture Width
  • Deadline — All Deadline settings
  • Environment — All parameters in Common Parameters rollout in Environment dialog
  • Exposure — All parameters of Exposure control
  • FrameRange — Render frame range with Skip Frame support
  • LightOn — Per lights on/off
  • ManyObjParams — All parameters of object include modifier with dynamic object selection
  • Material — Per object material assignment
  • ObjParams — All parameters of object include modifier
  • ObjPropsDisplay — Object display property per group of objects
  • ObjPropsRender — Object render property per group of objects
  • RenderCommon — All parameters in Common tab of render dialog
  • RenderElement — Per render element on/off
  • RenderOutput — Render output either via 3dsMax frame buffer or VRay frame buffer with token.
  • Renderer — Switching renderer per pass
  • RendererParams — All parameters of any renderer
  • Resolution — Resolution with one-click overscan support
  • Transform — Per object transform
  • VRayOverrideMtl — Global VRay Override Material with dynamic object selection
  • VRayRenderMask — VRayRenderMask with dynamic object selection
  • ViewportBackground — Viewport background
  • Visibility — Hide/unhide objects

Source: BlogSuperRendersFarm

See Also:



Super Renders Farm

“Super Render Farm — a cheapest and fastest render farm service provider that uses cloud render platform for rendering service”